Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May Calendar

Here is what is on tap for youth in May:

Dinner and Movie! Friday, May 9th at 6 p.m. Youth are encouraged to come at 5:15 to help us serve and set up. Can you help?

Virginia Creeper Trail! Saturday, May 10th.

Youth Groups:

May 11, 18, 25: Middle School and Senior Highs meet at 5:30. Vivian Haile will lead the senior highs. Debbie Sheffey, Julie Martin, and I will lead Middle School.

Senior Highs will watch and discuss
Theologians Under Hitler.

The Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Senior High Youth Group has invited us to watch the film, Why We Fight? on May 16th.

Their youth have been doing some great work with the Department of Peace. They led worship in their church regarding it a couple weeks ago. Here is the announcement and invitation:

"The HVUUC Senior High Youth Group invites you to a showing of the film, "Why We Fight" Friday night, May 16th, 7 p.m. in the HVUU Sanctuary. Refreshments will be provided. Discussion will be invited. The movie had a big effect on many of us when we watched it at our social action retreat in January, and we would like everyone to have a chance to see it. In promoting the U.S. Department of Peace, at the very least, we seek a balance of interests from our government."

So what is going on in your life? Anything we can cheer you on about? If you are in any sports, band, or other activities, we want to put them on our schedule.

Let me know! E-mail me!

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