Thursday, August 16, 2007

Butterfly Hike!

Here is an event for youth and adults. This Sunday after worship we are going to go for a butterfly hike to (probably Roan Mountain--Dave Miller Homestead). Bring a lunch, water, sunscreen and binoculars, if you have them. Did you the monarchs are endangered? Here are some pics from a previous hike!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Volunteer Trip to Manna Food Bank!

An estimated four million children under the age of 12 are hungry in America.

Nearly ten million more are at risk.

I am working out the details for a day trip to Asheville as a warm-up for our bigger overnight trip to Atlanta.

We will be volunteering at the Manna Food Bank in Asheville.

As soon as I work out the details I will let you know.

Pics from Holston Youth Rally!

We had a good representation from Elizabethton at the Holston Youth Rally!

Thanks to Deborah Sheffey and Julie Martin for chaperoning!

Attending were Jason, Travis, Rion, Samantha, Allison, and Christina!

Seventy-eight youth were there altogether from around the presbytery to kick off the school year.

The theme was mission.

Pics From Boone Lake!

We had a great time last Thursday at Boone Lake!

Miss Harriet was most gracious to let us come to her lake house.

Samantha, Kirby, Isaac, Jason, Travis, and Rion cooled off in the 95+ heat.

Thanks to Isaac's parents, Ray and Dallas, for bringing their speed boat and to Kirby's mom and dad, Rebecca and Richard for bringing the jet ski!

We have to do this again!