Monday, April 30, 2007

One Day Blog Silence

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Holston Retreat Report!

Eleven youth and four adults attended the Holston Camp Retreat this weekend. It was a fun weekend. We pretty much explored the camp, slid on the slide, played four-square, and made some plans.

These plans include a mission/service project to a nearby city later this summer or this Fall. I am rooting for July. Maybe we can make it happen? At my last church, we took trips to San Francisco and Seattle among other places, including Mexico. At my first church in upstate New York, we did mission trips to Delaware, New York City, and Washington D.C.

We thought perhaps Charlotte, Nashville or D.C. for a starter. This would include a fun educational experience, serving in a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, and other things. It is always a great experience. So...we are going to get some youth involved planning this and working out some fundraising opportunities. Piece of cake.

I also want to plug Holston Camp. Make sure you and your friends have a week scheduled this year. We are also looking for staff as counselors, high school graduates, or college students.

Plus, I would like to see our congregation involved with doing a mission project at the camp. This could involve anything from clearing brush, to chopping wood, to building a cabin. A great experience for youth and adults!

Holston Camp is a great place! Here is a camper exiting the new slide!

View from the tree house to the campers coming up from the slide!

The ever-popular four-square!

Thanks to adults, Rebecca Nunley, Richard Brosmore, and Beverly Brown!

Our youth program is happening!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Youth Forms

Hi Youth and Parents,

Just want to make sure I have all the information for your blessed one who will be going to camp (or other activities of the church).

Please go to our Youth Page, scroll down and find the "Youth Forms."

Or you can get each one here and here.

Please print them, fill them out and bring them tomorrow. We will have them for the trip and I will keep them on file.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Holston Camp Retreat (The Latest)

Hi Everybody!

Tomorrow (Tuesday) I have to call Holston Camp with the final numbers. I am going to call people tonight to see who is going. E-mail me, if I don't get to you and you are not on this list and you want to go! Or if you have a friend you would like to bring, I need to know who tonight!

Five adults are going.

We leave the church at 4 p.m. Friday. Dinner at camp at 6 p.m.
Breakfast and lunch at camp and we leave around 5 p.m., stop at some fast food place and back to the church by 7 p.m.

The cost is $45 per person. Adults are free. Make a check to First Presbyterian Church.

What to bring:

Sleeping bag, pillow and all that kind of stuff.
Hiking and playing clothes
$$ for the Fast food joint

Here is who is going (so far):
Kirby Brosmore
Caroline Moore
Heidi Faust
Allison Sheffey
Samantha Davison
Alison Williams
John Lagergren
Jason Marshall
Travis Marshall
Taylor Brown

If you or your friend is not on that list, I need to know!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Youth Retreat at Holston April 27-28

Hi Youth at First Pres.!

OK, we are set up for our retreat on April 27-28.

We will have dinner up there Friday.
Breakfast Saturday and Lunch Saturday
Home Saturday evening (7 ish)

I have a cabin for 16 altogether including two, perhaps 3 adults.

That leaves 13-14 spots for campers.

First choice, to kids associated with First Pres., then to friends:

Here is who have tentatively said they are interested (grade 6 and up):
Alison Sheffey
Travis Marshall
Jason Marshall
Ellie Lagergren
John Lagergren
Kirby Brosmore
Alison Williams
Merillee Rogers

I hope I didn't forget anyone. If I did, e-mail me. In fact, I need all of you to confirm that by e-mailing me back. Also, if you are interested, and are not on the list, you need to e-mail me. If you are on the list, but do not want to go, e-mail me! Also, if you are interested and want to bring a friend (one max), let me know. E-mail me the name of the friend. I may be able to get more spaces.
So get this back to me ASAP!
